18 lbs 6oz, 29 3/4", 18 3/4" head circumference
right on track developmentally, doing beautifully. suspect silent reflux so trying zantac to see if that helps; if it doesn't we will try either a different dose or a different med, then refer to ped GI if need be (not expecting to). other than that, all good!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
11 1/2mos (almost) update
~ 8 teeth, 4 front top and bottom
~ crawls really fast!
~ cruises well
~ walks well holding onto hands, and does pretty well holding onto just one hand
~ is gettin SOO CLOSE to taking her first steps on her own!
~ says 'hey' 'mama' 'dada' 'mom' 'dad' 'nan' & 'ba' (??)
~ LOVES her "baby crack" aka veggie booty
~ loves her milkies more ;)
~ 8 teeth, 4 front top and bottom
~ crawls really fast!
~ cruises well
~ walks well holding onto hands, and does pretty well holding onto just one hand
~ is gettin SOO CLOSE to taking her first steps on her own!
~ says 'hey' 'mama' 'dada' 'mom' 'dad' 'nan' & 'ba' (??)
~ LOVES her "baby crack" aka veggie booty
~ loves her milkies more ;)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
more fun with hospitals
June 1st Kayleigh had some more issues. went to bed ok but woke up screaming multiple times in about 2 hrs. finally gave up on trying to get her back to sleep and brought her out to the other room and let her calm down - noticed she was not acting quite right. about 10mins after she calmed down we checked her heart rate - upper 160's - high. a few minutes later it had come down but the extra sound was there. at that point we noticed that her lips were really dusky/blueish. ems 101 - pink is good, BLUE IS BAD. called 911. also noticed her skin was clammy. the blue lips/clammy skin started to clear up by the time the ambo arrived but was not completely gone. ekg in the ambo was normal, hr was running about 140s. towards the end of transport (we went to HMC) she started getting agitated about the seatbelts and got fussy, during which time her HR would go high, up to 180, 190s, but would come right back down as soon as she calmed down. her oxygen levels were 98-100%, which is good. most of the symptoms had resolved by the time we got to hershey ER; they put us in a private waiting room. nearly 2 hrs later.....i found a nurse and asked if she was going to be seen anytime soon, or if since her symptoms had now all resolved (she had been sitting on the floor playing, giggling, laughing, crawling around, nursed, and fallen asleep) would we be better off just going home and following up with the pediatrician in the morning (since it was now close to midnight). this particular nurse checked with the charge nurse and said it would be another 30-45 mins before they would have a bed open. since all her symptoms had resolved, rather than sit there and wait for 5hrs for them to tell us they couldn't find anything go home and follow up with the ped, we decided to just go home, get some sleep, and call her ped. she slept fine, and as soon as the office opened this morning i called them.
got an appt with the dr who saw her last time (the one that sent her to the cardiologist) @ 1015. saw him and she was acting fine the whole time. everything checked out and since we have ruled out everything major that can cause the symptoms she was having (cardiac and respiratory) he said she has Autonomic Cyanosis - its kinda like when you are in the pool and the water is kinda cold and your lips get blue - basically the body shunts blood away from the lips (and sometimes fingers/toes) for whatever reason, and hers apparently is exaggerated. its not likely that there is a medical reason for it to be happening and she should outgrow it. if it continues, gets worse, or we notice other symptoms, then we do need to do some further testing (EEG to rule out seizures - rare possibility, silent acid reflux - more likely but still not probable as we have not noticed any other symptoms that are consistent).
so, for now, we just keep an eye on her. if we notice the blueish tint we are supposed to assess/etc, but don't need to take her to the hospital unless she is having trouble breathing, or etc. i'm also keeping track of what we notice when, to see if we can find any rhyme or reason.
eta - 17lbs 3.5oz @ped office ;)
got an appt with the dr who saw her last time (the one that sent her to the cardiologist) @ 1015. saw him and she was acting fine the whole time. everything checked out and since we have ruled out everything major that can cause the symptoms she was having (cardiac and respiratory) he said she has Autonomic Cyanosis - its kinda like when you are in the pool and the water is kinda cold and your lips get blue - basically the body shunts blood away from the lips (and sometimes fingers/toes) for whatever reason, and hers apparently is exaggerated. its not likely that there is a medical reason for it to be happening and she should outgrow it. if it continues, gets worse, or we notice other symptoms, then we do need to do some further testing (EEG to rule out seizures - rare possibility, silent acid reflux - more likely but still not probable as we have not noticed any other symptoms that are consistent).
so, for now, we just keep an eye on her. if we notice the blueish tint we are supposed to assess/etc, but don't need to take her to the hospital unless she is having trouble breathing, or etc. i'm also keeping track of what we notice when, to see if we can find any rhyme or reason.
eta - 17lbs 3.5oz @ped office ;)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
cardio appt
kayleigh did great. they did an echocardiogram (ultrasound of heart) - she barely fussed, and that was just at the end. also did an ekg, which they had to repeat, she did great both times.
the dr did not hear the extra sound, nor did they see any structural issues/problems on the echo. they did see one or two PVCs (premature ventricular contraction, or early contraction) sooo....they decided to do a 24hr holter monitor EKG test, which we finished today at lunchtime. we take the monitor back monday and it will take about 3wks to get results. they do not expect to find anything but with the PVCs and the fact that we have noticed her lips get somewhat dusky at times they wanted to see if they could capture anything. we do NOT have another appt scheduled and do not have to go back unless they find something on the 24hr EKG.
OH and she was 28" long, 7.7kg/~16lbs 15oz
the dr did not hear the extra sound, nor did they see any structural issues/problems on the echo. they did see one or two PVCs (premature ventricular contraction, or early contraction) sooo....they decided to do a 24hr holter monitor EKG test, which we finished today at lunchtime. we take the monitor back monday and it will take about 3wks to get results. they do not expect to find anything but with the PVCs and the fact that we have noticed her lips get somewhat dusky at times they wanted to see if they could capture anything. we do NOT have another appt scheduled and do not have to go back unless they find something on the 24hr EKG.
OH and she was 28" long, 7.7kg/~16lbs 15oz
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
mommy's taking over to update so no one is left out of the loop.....
@appt yesterday she got her 3rd HepB shot. her typical reaction to all vaccines is generally cranky/fussy/mild fever. yesterday she was more fussy/clingy than normal, and her fever was a little higher than usual after a shot; she was also lethargic - we dosed tylenol as normal, and just continued to keep an eye on her. around 700 went to put her to bed as normal; while she was falling asleep i laid my arm across her chest and noticed her heart rate seemed really fast. i checked it, twice, and got 200 and 204, respectively. as she was just about asleep i did not move her (since she was breathing fine, etc) but got chas to get his stethoscope and come listen to her heart to get a more accurate rate. he got 160 - better, but still a little high. after talking to the oncall dr we decided (on their advice) to just keep an eye on her, since fever can cause a spike in heartrate. after she fell asleep, it did go back down (130, 120) BUT while listening i heard an extra sound that had not been there before. chas also listened and heard it. just after that her heartrate went back up, and she woke up screaming a scream we have never heard before. at this point we put her in the car and took her to the ER.
her fever broke as we were walking in the door, which was not a bad thing per se but was not good, since they basically blew us off from that point on. we sat in the waiting room for 1/2hr, before being taken back to Fast Care. It took the dr another 20mins+ to come in and see us - i had time to nurse fully (and did so). when the dr did finally come in she did a half-hearted exam, barely listened to her chest (moved her stethoscope 6 times in 15 seconds), putzed around, said she's fine go home. not a word about the extra sound, or anything - only yelling at us for listening, saying 'its not your job to listen' and 'you aren't allowed to do that'.
so we brought her home, and continued to monitor her here - her fever stayed down, so did her heartrate, but i heard the extra sound again, so i called the on-call dr back, and asked what to watch for. she said a fever can sometimes cause a heart murmur, which may be what you are hearing, but it should go away since the fever is gone. cool, not a problem, just watching/monitor overnight etc.
this morning, however, when i woke up and listened, i still heard the extra sound, and she had no fever. i called the dr and left a message for them, they called me back and after i explained to the nurse everything that happened, she said bring her in. took her in, the dr heard it right away, said otherwise she looks great, her heartrate is nice and even, not high, not low, her color is good, shes not quite acting back to normal yet (is clingy and fussy) but since she did just have a fever that can be normal. he said its not a heart murmur. most likely it is physiologic split S2, which is not an issue, but to be on the safe side we are going to be seeing a pediatric cardiologist, to rule out any other issues, since this is new.
no clue which ped cardio, or when, i will update when we know more. so far though she seems to be doing okay.
@appt yesterday she got her 3rd HepB shot. her typical reaction to all vaccines is generally cranky/fussy/mild fever. yesterday she was more fussy/clingy than normal, and her fever was a little higher than usual after a shot; she was also lethargic - we dosed tylenol as normal, and just continued to keep an eye on her. around 700 went to put her to bed as normal; while she was falling asleep i laid my arm across her chest and noticed her heart rate seemed really fast. i checked it, twice, and got 200 and 204, respectively. as she was just about asleep i did not move her (since she was breathing fine, etc) but got chas to get his stethoscope and come listen to her heart to get a more accurate rate. he got 160 - better, but still a little high. after talking to the oncall dr we decided (on their advice) to just keep an eye on her, since fever can cause a spike in heartrate. after she fell asleep, it did go back down (130, 120) BUT while listening i heard an extra sound that had not been there before. chas also listened and heard it. just after that her heartrate went back up, and she woke up screaming a scream we have never heard before. at this point we put her in the car and took her to the ER.
her fever broke as we were walking in the door, which was not a bad thing per se but was not good, since they basically blew us off from that point on. we sat in the waiting room for 1/2hr, before being taken back to Fast Care. It took the dr another 20mins+ to come in and see us - i had time to nurse fully (and did so). when the dr did finally come in she did a half-hearted exam, barely listened to her chest (moved her stethoscope 6 times in 15 seconds), putzed around, said she's fine go home. not a word about the extra sound, or anything - only yelling at us for listening, saying 'its not your job to listen' and 'you aren't allowed to do that'.
so we brought her home, and continued to monitor her here - her fever stayed down, so did her heartrate, but i heard the extra sound again, so i called the on-call dr back, and asked what to watch for. she said a fever can sometimes cause a heart murmur, which may be what you are hearing, but it should go away since the fever is gone. cool, not a problem, just watching/monitor overnight etc.
this morning, however, when i woke up and listened, i still heard the extra sound, and she had no fever. i called the dr and left a message for them, they called me back and after i explained to the nurse everything that happened, she said bring her in. took her in, the dr heard it right away, said otherwise she looks great, her heartrate is nice and even, not high, not low, her color is good, shes not quite acting back to normal yet (is clingy and fussy) but since she did just have a fever that can be normal. he said its not a heart murmur. most likely it is physiologic split S2, which is not an issue, but to be on the safe side we are going to be seeing a pediatric cardiologist, to rule out any other issues, since this is new.
no clue which ped cardio, or when, i will update when we know more. so far though she seems to be doing okay.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
9 month update
16lbs 8 oz, 27 1/2" long. 6 teeth (4 top 2 bottom). army crawls very well, just starting to get up and real crawl, loves to get up and walk with assistance. also enjoys going to the barn to see the horse, and cats. says mama dada ayay, claps yay, and starting to wave. loves to eat whatever anybody else is eating. signs milk(nurse), daddy, and working on more, also recognizes mommy, all done, eat, drink, diaper change, potty, please, thank you. loves to use the big-girl potty whenever mommy remembers to take her.
most recent pics are easter
any questions??
most recent pics are easter
any questions??
Sunday, April 18, 2010
First Easter
Kayleigh is sleeping, and mommy finally has a chance to get these edited and uploaded. First Easter picture album - http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss134/Prncss_AJ/First%20Easter/
but, so you don't have to waste time, I'll put a couple of my favorites up.
Kayleigh with PopPop & Grandmom (GreatGrandmom & GranPopPop)

Let's go, I'm ready to find eggs! FEED ME SUGAR!

Nevermind, no more sugar.

Meh, toys will work

End of a Long Day

eta - don't know why that one pic looks like she has a bruise over her eye, if you click on the pic its not there....she really doesn't have a bruise! lol!
but, so you don't have to waste time, I'll put a couple of my favorites up.
Kayleigh with PopPop & Grandmom (GreatGrandmom & GranPopPop)
Let's go, I'm ready to find eggs! FEED ME SUGAR!
Nevermind, no more sugar.
Meh, toys will work
End of a Long Day
eta - don't know why that one pic looks like she has a bruise over her eye, if you click on the pic its not there....she really doesn't have a bruise! lol!
Monday, March 29, 2010
aaand.....tooth number 6 broke through! top R next to front teeth....hopefully thats it for a while!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
tooth #5 is here....mommy noticed today, but its well broken through so must have been at least a day or two ago....top, L, next to front teeth. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
wow, i'm seven months old already.....time flies so quickly! i have both bottom front teeth, the top L one, and the top R is just about to pop through. mommy says if i don't stop grinding my teeth.....but it feels good! she says it sounds like nails on a chalkboard, whatever that is. i love eating table food, but i still love my milkies more! i'm getting big too, 15lbs 1/2oz, and 26 3/4" long....but i still fit into some of my 0-3mos clothes, not quite sure how though.....ooo-kay, mommy says past bedtime, which means its time for me to go scream for a few minutes then decide i really am tired and want to nurse and go to sleep! Nighty-nite!
Monday, February 22, 2010
What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other people's relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention.
She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.
She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
signing and another tooth!
EEEEP!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it.....she started signing to me the other day, at first i wasn't quite sure, and she only did it a couple times, but she definitely signed 'daddy' the other day....and the last couple days i have seen her signing 'milk' - a onehanded version of it, whereever her hand happens to be (usually by her side) but definitely signing. I"M SO EXCITED i didn't think she would sign back for at least a couple more months....
~ from mommy
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Happy Half Birthday!
6 mos old.....
13lbs 10oz
26" long
starting solids and loving all the new experiences!!
13lbs 10oz
26" long
starting solids and loving all the new experiences!!
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