Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
another milestone
and then right after that, she found her feet!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
IT'S HERE!!! (post from mommy)
it's her bottom R front one, and not quite sure but the L one may be close behind....and its not out enough yet for a pic just broke through, but soon as its enough for a pic i'll put one up.
and i feel like an idiot for not picking up on it sooner
Thursday, October 29, 2009
3mo dr appt
one shot
no more thrush
everything looks great!
smiling like crazy
-currently working on:
laughing, rolling over (back to tummy)
tummy time (i don't like being on my tummy....what am i gonna do when i figure out how to flip onto it and can't get off??) lol
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
2 mo. stats
~23 1/4" long
~15" head circumference
doing really well, still battling thrush, also dealing with a dairy sensitivity/milk protein allergy. one shot....cranky fussy and sleepy, but hopefully the tylenol is working....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
first bath
Thursday, August 27, 2009
1 mo dr appt
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
2 wks old
went to church this morning for the first time.....and slept through most of it, lol.
Monday, August 3, 2009
dr appt
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
in other news, mommy is having issues with her hip/ the point where daddy made her go to the hospital last night (wow that was a late night)....they said nothing is wrong on xrays its just nerve irritation so they gave her dilaudid and told her she has to pump and dump for 24 hrs (i am NOT a happy baby about having to drink formula for that time!!) but its almost over and mommy is feelign a little bit better, just sore and achy, and tylenol is controlling it now.
hoping to get to church tomorrow.... :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
birth story
thurs night (7/23?) i wasn't getting kick 1 maybe 2 movements in 2 1/2 called the dr and went to triage for monitoring etc. for a few hrs. they did a BPP/ultrasound right away and she looked great on it (8/8 score) with a few movements but her movements were very flowy and floating and i wasn't feeling them. also my blood pressure was elevated more than normal (but not high enough to induce then) and after they did the u/s they put me on the baby monitor, and on that her HR was great but she wasn't having a whole lot of movements just kinda the minimum. they ended up putting in an IV and giving me a fluid bolus to see if that would help (it did a tiny bit but not much) but, since the labs came back normal and she was getting the movements they said to just go home and hang out til my NST the next afternoon, that she was fine till then at the very least, and if we had any issues come back right away of course and they would induce then. oh, and they also told us that the paperwork from the specialist (the report from the wk before, 7/17) said 'recommend induction @ 39 wks' - which would have been this past tues - nice of them to tell US that but at least they didn't have one scheduled lol. so we got home around 3am....
fri (7/24) i woke up around 11 (complements of the late night lol) with a headache, but not too bad of one. i also didn't get my kick counts but did have about 3, maybe 4 movements; but since my NST was at 130 i didn't bother to call. got to the NST and they were gonna just send us home since we had been in triage half the night but when i told the nurse doing the test that they said i was still supposed to do it anyway and what all had happened and the fact that i had a headache and wasn't getting kick counts again, she put me on the monitor while she went and talked to the dr in charge (the specialist). the NST was okay but the dr said due to the fact that i wasn't feeling her move hardly at all, it wasn't really worth sending me home just for me to come back in 6 hrs when i didn't get kick counts, so they were sending me to get induced then. got admitted to L&D around 230/300ish, and got settled in my room (suite lol) pretty quickly. after meeting with the dr (and a quick check) game plan decided on was to start cervadil @ 6p, leave it overnight, then take it out and start pitocin @ 6am and go from there.
they put the IV access in around the time they started the cervadil. the cervadil started causing ctx pretty quickly, not too bad, but unfortunately it didn't stay that way....ended up with hyperstimulation and one constant contraction which had me doubled over in pain so they took out the cervadil around 10p and gave me some nubain and benadryl so i could sleep that night. ctx tapered off overnight until pit was started (closer to 630ish am lol). the staff was great about trying to keep it as low-dose as possible, and started at 2, going up in increments of 2 as needed. baby stopped being cooperative in the sense that the ctx monitor wasn't reading right (although her heartrate was great the whole time) so eventually they ended up placing an internal ctx monitor (but didn't have to break my water for that, so no worries as far as the GBS and it wasn't on baby). i did get to try out the tub before they did that but unfortunately it did not help any for the pain - i couldn't get the water to stay warm and when i turned on the jets it was too hard, off was not enough, so i switched to the shower which felt wonderful and did help a bit. my water broke on its own around 1150 so had a dose of abx (pcn) at 12 and then every 4 hrs thereafter.
i did get to walk around a little bit but once they started the pit again i was pretty much out of it and couldn't think straight. i do know they ended up giving me some more nubain, and DH said they also tried fentanyl to see if it would help (don't remember if it did or not).....they wouldn't let me eat because i kept throwing up but they did allow me to have clear fluids (juice etc - and they tried to give me phenergan but it didn't help - not that i felt like eating anyway). other than that the only thing i really remember was around 6pm DH mother sitting with me for a bit while DH got something to eat, and me being all but in tears from the pain, biting on a towel to keep from crying out too loudly. i did finally give in and ask for an epidural which they put in around 7 - when they checked me before they put it in i was at 4, 5 if they stretched it - less than an hour after they put in the epidural i was all but 9. the epi worked the way it was supposed to and i was able to feel pressure, and my legs were only tingly, but no pain, so i was able to rest and relax and they helped me to lay on my side with a peanut ball in between my legs to help baby out (and i was on a slant too which helped). i don't remember what time i started pushing but i do remember they let me try a squat bar (yes, with the epi, i could feel enough for that) which helped baby but not me - i ended up with my feet swelling so much they looked like little watermelons, lol. i spent some time on my back but pretty high up (almost sitting) and then on my one side as well for pushing but.....
she got stuck right before she came out and for about 1/2 hr we played bungee jumping with the pushing and her moving down and back. her heartrate was starting to go up and my oxygen levels were starting to go down so my dr (who knew what i wanted) finally said she thought that it would be a good idea to use the vacuum to help. i asked if they had to cut for that and when she said no i said okay - but about 30 secs later she said no we need to do a small cut and i reluctantly said okay (since i would rather have that than a c-s) - apparently i was really really tight and they weren't having much luck trying to help with that - ended up with a 1st degree episiotomy (no adt'l tearing thank God!), no vacuum, and baby had the cord around her neck x2 which is what was causing her to be stuck. fortunately she was then able to come out enough that they could move the cord, so she could get the rest of the way out. apparently i missed a c-s by about 20 minutes (DH said they said i had 20 minutes more to get her out or they would have to do a c-s for her health and safety and mine) but she was healthy (apgar scores of 8 & 9 at 1 & 5 mins respectively) and i was able to nurse her almost right away, and they were able to follow the plan for after-birth almost to the letter.
Kayleigh was born at 1:35 am sunday morning, she was 6lbs 14 oz, and 19 inches long.
Friday, July 24, 2009
from mommy
that said. i have an NST this afternoon (130) at which point if they see anything they don't like they will prly send us back down to triage, in which case they will most likely start inducing. according to the dr we saw last night MFM wants to induce tues regardless (some paper from last fri they put on about 'would recommend induction @ 39wks') and yes, last night was the first we heard about that so that's gonna be a discussion today before we leave the office. if everything goes okay today but we have issues over the weekend before my appt monday they will prly just go ahead and induce - basically from what we are understanding the next time we go to triage/wbh they will induce. otherwise i have the nst today and an appt mon afternoon and supposed to have an nst tues afternoon but not sure what will happen with that if they induce....
soon as we know anything else we'll update.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
if momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!!!
next nst fri. next appt mon. will update more later or after test/appt whichever i feel like first.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
nst update from mommy
so went in yesterday for the weekly nst - and for whatever reason her hr was a little too high (they like bt 110 and 160 - her baseline was around 170 with spikes up to 185) so they left us on the monitor for an hour, then did a biophysical profile. her hr did start to come down a little bit but was still baseline around 165-170ish. BPP (u/s to check baby and bloodflow) was normal but since her hr was up they sent us down to triage for more monitoring and to see if they could figure out why (triage @ WBH is like a small ER for maternity or female stuff only). by the time they got us on the monitor down there her hr was down to a baseline of 155-160ish but now she wasn't moving as much as they wanted to see.....
SO.... they left us on the monitor for about 3 hrs till she started moving a little more - did labs (all normal, no pre-e yet, no infection causing her hr to be up) and were starting to talk about admitting us for observation and possibly induction (depending on what they found) but when she started moving around more, since the labs were all okay, they sent us home.
they did say that now i'll prly end up doing nst's 2x wk (at least have to do 2 this wk after that is up to my drs) and will have even more close monitoring till she comes.....but for now she's staying put.
other than that i think thats it.....till mon when i can call and get that other nst scheduled and then drs appt tues am.....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
36 wks....
oh and mommy isn't any more dilated than she was a couple wks ago at the hospital but she's about 25% effaced - for anybody who cares.....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
other than that things are going pretty got the car seat installed but it needs tightened/checked a little more at the police station so she'll prly do that in the next couple pack our bag for the hospital, since who knows when i'll decide to show up? LOL!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
drs appt...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
one more down
next appt monday afternoon, next NST thurs afternoon......
Sunday, June 21, 2009
okay, my turn, lol. this might be kinda hard for mommy, to let me type through her fingers, but she can be really slow at sending out emails to update people and keep them posted on me, soo i'm taking over.
I gave mom a scare on tues night - decided not to move a whole lot all day and send her to the hospital, so she could prove to daddy and the drs that i was okay (i am)....had the NST on thursday, everything went okay except the monitor was a little wierd and didn't stay put (or did i move? i don't remember, lol...) so they did another u/s to make sure that mommy's fluid levels were okay for me. they are. dr appt fri morning, still okay - even though its a pain to deal with that crazy thing that lets them hear my heartbeat. next NST is wed afternoon, and then drs that night...
okay, nap time.
(and grandpa, and everybody else who's a dad....)