Friday, July 24, 2009

from mommy

K's vocabulary might not be quite established enough to explain i'll do it for her this time, lol. yesterday (last night) she got lazy again and didn't want to we called and of course got sent in to WBH for monitoring. they did a BPP, on which she scored 8/8 (yay - they liked that!), almost as soon as we got there, and then hooked everything else blood pressure was up and not coming down (they didn't like that!) so they kept us for a while and kept monitoring my BP, checked labs, and monitored K. unfortunately she had another prolonged episode of tachycardia (rapid heart rate) so they ended up putting in an IV and running in a bunch of fluids (not that i was dehydrated but sometimes babies like extra fluid) and then her HR did come down to a reasonable number, and my BP did come down somewhat but not as much as they would have wanted, but since my labs were okay and some protein ratio came back okay they sent us home.
that said. i have an NST this afternoon (130) at which point if they see anything they don't like they will prly send us back down to triage, in which case they will most likely start inducing. according to the dr we saw last night MFM wants to induce tues regardless (some paper from last fri they put on about 'would recommend induction @ 39wks') and yes, last night was the first we heard about that so that's gonna be a discussion today before we leave the office. if everything goes okay today but we have issues over the weekend before my appt monday they will prly just go ahead and induce - basically from what we are understanding the next time we go to triage/wbh they will induce. otherwise i have the nst today and an appt mon afternoon and supposed to have an nst tues afternoon but not sure what will happen with that if they induce....
soon as we know anything else we'll update.

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